Warmer weather is right around the corner, which means that spring cleaning season is here. While that involves simple decluttering and tidying up for some people, it’s a thorough deep clean for others. When you take time to clean your house this spring, remember these spots that homeowners frequently miss.

Spring Cleaning the Carpet

Many homeowners vacuum as part of their spring cleaning, but don’t invest in professional carpet cleaning. Whether you own a carpet cleaner or rent one, it’s a good idea to shampoo and deep-clean the carpet once a year. These systems dispense a carpet cleaning product before rinsing and vacuuming up the excess moisture. The final moisture removal ensures the carpet does not stay wet for long.

Check Behind and Under Appliances

Appliances like the stove and refrigerator are challenging to move, which is why many homeowners skip them during their spring cleaning efforts. Take care to clean under and behind appliances like ovens, refrigerators, dryers, and washing machines. This also prevents pest activity, as there will not be food or debris underneath appliances to attract mice and insects.

Clean Your Storage Spaces

Many people organize drawers during their spring cleaning, but sometimes they skip emptying the drawer itself to clean the empty space. While cleaning, remove everything from every cabinet and drawer, vacuum up crumbs, wipe up stains, and make sure that the surface is spotless. This gives you a tidy place to organize your stuff,

Wash the Windows During Spring Cleaning

Washing the windows is often tedious and involves time outside on a ladder, so many homeowners are tempted to skip it during spring cleaning. However, clean windows improve curb appeal and let more natural light into your home. Clean the exterior windows, the inside of the window, the screen, and the window tracks.

Under Tables and Chairs

While you might not think of it as an important spot, the undersides of tables and chairs get dirty over time as people sit at the table, especially if you have young children or pets. It’s a good idea to clean these surfaces regularly, and doing so as part of your spring cleaning routine can start the habit.

Home Inspectors of Columbus provides inspection services to customers in the Chattahoochee Valley. Contact us to schedule an appointment.