Know Statistics in Your Neighborhood
One of the factors many homeowners consider before buying a house or moving into a neighborhood is the crime in the area. Do you have the latest data for your neighborhood? Research online to learn about your neighborhood’s safety status. It’s also helpful to download a neighborhood networking app like Nextdoor to stay informed.
Check Your Locks
If you didn’t change the locks when you moved in, it’s time. Purchase locks from reliable security companies. If you choose smart locks, you can operate them remotely with a WiFi connection. Other types of locks include keypad locks. They only replace the inner section of your deadbolts. You have the option of using your house key or a code to unlock them.
After you have installed better locks, use them. Confirm that you have locked all the entry points to your home before you leave, including windows and sliding glass doors. Use drapes to conceal the interior of your home. This way, your belongings won’t attract attention from potential intruders.
Improving Home Security by Outsmarting the Burglar
Many intruders leave when they sense that someone is home. To discourage potential burglars, make your house appear occupied.
- Always have a car in your driveway if possible.
- Set timers for the lights to turn on and off at random times.
- Install motion-sensor lights to illuminate the yard.
- Ask someone to check on the home when you are out of town.
Cameras are Helpful When Improving Home Security
Another way of improving home security is by having security cameras on the property, including near the front entrance. A doorbell cam will show you who is at the door, even alerting you on your smartphone. Have a security company install a security system that you can monitor even when you’re away from home.
Home Inspectors of Columbus provides home inspection services to the Chattahoochee Valley. Contact us to schedule an appointment.